Why the Chorale Is Important

Community chorales allow us to participate in, as opposed to being passive consumers of, music. The musical experience is uplifting and reinforces a strong social message: A choir of human voices singing in harmony is the most elegant metaphor we have for a community that works. MrSandman1.jpg

Mission Statement

It is the mission of the Sierra High Notes choir to provide quality choral music “Sharing the Gift of Song” through community outreach. SHN focuses on groups often forgotten by our society including seniors, the hurting and abused, veterans and low income families.  SHN is an all volunteer organization comprised of varied ages. It is the SHN goal to provide upbeat, fun music that will entertain everyone in our audience, especially families.

Applying Our Art

Through the years the Sierra High Notes has tried to educate, enrich, and entertain through performance, promotion, and preservation of quality choral music. Our repertory includes traditional musical presentations, American heritage and patriotic pieces, Broadway and popular classical selections. Through this musical diversity, we truly practice “Sharing the Gift of Music.”   HonorFlight02

While the Sierra High Notes is a community chorus of men and women who perform a great choral repertoire from the classics to contemporary works, we are also committed to support innovative programs of education and outreach in the schools and community.  The Sierra High Notes also supports and encourages the artistic development of singers, composers and conductors who work with the choral repertoire.